$77.00 USD

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Tarot and EFT for Clearing Resentment

Do you struggle with experiencing resentment, anger and control in different areas of your life: work, family, friendships, even (or especially!) in relationships with loved ones? You're not alone.

Many of us are conditioned to overgive and ignore our own needs and boundaries, which inevitably leads to resentment. And here's what I think: resentment is simply an invitation into learning more about our own needs, and how we can begin to meet them. 

Ready to shift these energies and tap into what you authentically need? Join an unconventional workshop and set of exercises using both Tarot and EFT tapping to better understand our resentment and how to work with it.

Using a custom Tarot spread and then shifting into a set of EFT tapping exercises led by Catherine, we will gently explore and tend to these blocks of resentment in our lives. 

We'll use Tarot to explore & understand our resentment, then shift into EFT to begin to release it. 

You'll receive a custom workbook with the workshop, and all you need to bring is a Tarot deck, a journal and pen, and have space where you can participate in the workshop and also move around to the best of your abilities (I include some movement practices in the way I teach EFT). No Tarot expertise is required, just a willingness to open your heart and mind to these practices! 

EFT tapping is a technique that involves “tapping” on the meridian points of the body while repeating statements that help us focus on an issue from which we're seeking relief. And Tarot - well, Tarot is Tarot.