$400.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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By signing up for the Empath Visibility Accelerator, you agree to all terms and conditions listed on this page: https://www.catherinedandrews.com/terms

Empath Visibility Accelerator

Join the Empath Visibility Accelerator (EVA for short), a 12-week course specifically for empath and HSP leaders, entrepreneurs and visionaries who are ready to stop being scared and start being visible.

What you'll get:

  • 12 90-120 minute workshops with Missy and Catherine on 12 different topics
  • Group energy clearings & Tarot readings
  • Private community with Missy & Catherine and your cohort for daily coaching, shares and questions
  • Lifetime access

Are you ready to experience a profound shift in your life, leadership and business, guided by the transformative principles of energy work, EFT (emotional freedom technique), feng shui, ancestral healing, and alignment? And to do it in community with other empaths who are dreaming big and going after their business, purpose and leadership goals, too? Then you’ll be a great fit for EVA.